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a phone out of reach

Accessibility in Mobile Apps – Basic principles to follow

The World Health Organization estimates that 15% of the world’s population (more than 1 billion people) have an accessibility need. That is a lot of potential customers to lose when a few small cha…

Deep Dive into Mobile Payments Solutions

We did some research on things you should consider when choosing a payment gateway, so let’s dive into the world of mobile payments together.
phone screen with byteout logo

E-commerce Business & the Importance of Mobile Apps

This is an article about current changes in e-commerce trends written by our business analyst, Sanja Petrović.
Word "blockchain" written on the blue background.

The Era of Blockchain

Here are the seven reasons why blockchain technology is proving itself to be the future of software.

How We Made Cut Expenses Lite More Accessible

One major idea of this post (besides bragging about new redesign of our Cut Expenses app) is to share my experience, my “learning curve” with the rest of you who are interested in what could be don…
Person sleeps.

Eye-Opening Stats & Facts about Sleep

80 concise and vital stats and facts about sleep by “disturbmenot”.
satellite over the Earth

Developing an API for NASA

Although the amount and diversity of data available on the internet are immense, it’s often delivered in formats that are either impractical for use in applications, or completely foreign to partic…

My Top 10 Useful Links for iOS Development

We are starting a series of posts where #ByteoutPeople will share their favorite links and resources that they keep returning to while working.
How we made a mistake

Publishing on the App Store – Our Top 3 Mistakes

In case you ever wondered what it takes to develop an iOS application and publish it on the App Store, you can find some answers in this text. I am going to describe our process and what we learned…
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